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History of the Collections
Obsessive Collecting Disorder is the site of 3 brothers who are addicted to collecting drinks. Tim, energy drinks; Nick, sodas; and Jon,
sports drinks. Tim started collecting energy drinks in 2007, and Nick followed a bit later with sodas. Jon wanted to collect something too,
and after a few failed attempts to collect juices, fruit-flavored sodas only, or gums, Jon found his own unique product he loved: sports drinks.
Jon and Nick have since slowed down or abandoned their collecting, but Tim is still going strong and keeping the site up-to-date.
Tim's Energy Collection
Hi, my name is Tim. I'm the eldest of the three brothers, and I collect energy drinks and products. I used to love Mountain Dew
when I was younger, until one day my cousin let me try a Full Throttle. It was like a bigger, tastier, caffeine-ier soda!
I was hooked. From that point, I started drinking Full Throttle regularly and keeping all the cans I consumed; I also began tasting
many of the drinks my friends had. I expanded my tastes to any drink I could find in the local convenience stores, and when
I noticed the large variety of different cans I was amassing, I recycled all the doubles and the collection was born. At first, I collected
strictly energy drinks, and I didn't even count sugar-free ones unless they were a unique flavor. As I started to run out of new items in the local
area, I admitted sugar-free drinks into the collection to boost numbers. It was around this time that the "energy shot" came into being;
I picked up some weird little thing called 5-Hr Energy at GNC, and soon energy shots too found a permanent place in the collection.
Products came soon after with Jolt Energy Gum, and now I have everything from energy gum to energy beef jerky. So that's the story of how my
collection came to be; I'm on my way to 2000 different items with no end in sight. -Tim 6-7-12
Nick's Soda Collection
Sono Nick. I started collecting sodas following Tim's motif. I haven't kept up with it nearly as much recently but, I've always liked root beer
and cream sodas, and soon I had to document which was best, which was worst, what should I try again, given the oppurtunity? Then it grew and grew,
to the point that I have formed the collection I have today from many exotic bizarre bubbly treats to the flavorless watery beverages I'm surprised
human beings have ever enjoyed. Please enjoy looking around the site, and whether or not I plan on continuing the collection, I do plan on a full
update soon to commemorate the collection as a whole. -Nick 6-7-12
Jon's Sport Drink Collection
Jon wanted to collect something like Nick and I did, so first he tried collecting juices. The problem with that was there just weren't that many,
and it led into juices that weren't really anything that felt good collecting. He then tried fruit-flavored sodas, a sort of spin-off of Nick's collection.
This proved even harder, with trying to avoid infringing on Nick's territory while still getting respectable numbers. After entertaining a few ideas of
collecting candies or gum, with a little thought from Nick and I Jon settled on sports drinks. He picked up the big names Gatorade and Powerade, and a bunch of
local stores' house brands, and soon he had over 300 different things. He has since stopped collecting, but the bottles are just boxed up, so maybe there's
hope of his part of the drink collection continuing. -Tim 6-7-12