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Bawls Brand total= 9 |
Buzz Mints Size: Tin of mints Location Acquired: Xoxide Location in Collection: The Highrise Taste Rating: 10/10 Energy Rating: 3/10 Review: These are hard to find, but really cool. They actually aren't mints in the sense of flavor; they are just candies. But they're fizzy! The taste is reminiscent of their drink namesake. As far as energy, if you eat the entire thing at once like I basically did, you will feel somewhat of a caffeine rush. Otherwise, nothing if you eat them like mints should be eaten. Cherry Size: 16oz can Location Acquired: Xoxide Location in Collection: The Cube Taste Rating: 8/10 Energy Rating: 5/10 Review: Although I found this online, it is now available all over the place. Even though it's clear, the flavor is akin to Dr. Pepper. Energy is a pleasant caffeine rush. G33K B33R Size: 10oz glass bottle Location Acquired: Brother of a friend Contributor: Lee/Erin Caterson Location in Collection: The Freakshow Taste Rating: 10/10 Energy Rating: 5/10 Review: This is now available all over the place as well. It's a delicious, frothy rootbeer...comparable to Barq's. Good caffeine rush. Guaranexx Sugar Free Size: 10oz glass bottle Location Acquired: Turkey Hill, Somewhere, PA Location in Collection: The Freakshow Taste Rating: 7/10 Energy Rating: 6/10 Review: Bawls is smart. They know that taking out the sugar devalues the drink, so they upped the caffeine! I think it's a good tradeoff. The taste wasn't even that bad either. Good energy. Original Size: 10oz glass bottle Location Acquired: Pump 'n' Pantry, Nicholson, PA Location in Collection: The Freakshow Taste Rating: 10/10 Energy Rating: 5/10 Review: This is another one of my favorite drinks. I also keep all the bottles, because they're so cool. It's kind of like a cream soda combined with a lemon-lime soda. Very enjoyable and refreshing, with a good caffeine rush. Other Items My collection also contains Bawls products with container and design variances. Please refer to the main list. |