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Enviga Brand total= 2 |
Enviga Tea Enviga is a product of the CocaCola company, and is carbonated green tea designed to help burn calories. Basically the only reason I got it, is because Energy Drink Museum counts it; although in retrospect now that I have Celsius tea, I see how it counts. Berry Size: 12oz can Location Acquired: Target, Vestal, NY Location in Collection: The Army Taste Rating: 6/10 Energy Rating: 1/10 Review: I don't like tea. Yet again, I am spared the horrors of drinking real tea; as this tea is carbonated, and they added some...FLAVOR! It's a little overcarbonated, but a pleasant berry taste. Energy, nah. Tropical Pomegranate Size: 12oz can Location Acquired: Target, Vestal, NY Location in Collection: The Army Taste Rating: 5/10 Energy Rating: 1/10 Review: Again, they hid the tea for my sake. This flavor's color was yellow on the can, which is odd for pomegranate. It was an interesting combination, as pomegranate is normally combined with blueberry or açai. Energy, nope. |