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Launch Brand total= 2 |
Launch This is a random brand of energy gum; it can be found in places like FYE, Coconuts, etc.. It comes in a neat little soda-can-shaped tin, but the tin is a ripoff. There's a metal piece halfway down; the gum only fills half the thing! Peppermint Size: Tin of gum Location Acquired: Coconuts, Vestal, NY Location in Collection: The Highrise Taste Rating: 7/10 Energy Rating: 3/10 Review: This wasn't too bad; but the flavor decays quickly into caffeine aftertaste-land. Energy wasn't a whole lot. Spearmint Size: Tin of gum Location Acquired: Coconuts, Vestal, NY Location in Collection: The Highrise Taste Rating: 7/10 Energy Rating: 3/10 Review: The texture of this gum isn't great, and the flavor dies fast. Still ok, though, although the energy isn't much. |